Who's watching?

Not us.
No personal data (names, DOB etc.) are required to access the services on this website.
Any data submitted to or retrieved from the HMRC portal through this website is between you and HMRC.
No record is kept beyond the browser session of any of your personal or financial data.
Which all means we are GDPR compliant.

Don't invite trouble

We recommend that you close all other tabs in your browser while using our services. Once you have finished you should shutdown the browser - this removes all session data, including any sensitive data.
You can always restart it if you want to continue browsing.

Anonimised data

Hands up, we collect anonimised data, such as (but not limited to):

  • The number of times our website was visited and used. This is so we know our website is being used.
  • When the service was used. This is required for resource allocation and for scheduling maintenance.
  • Which parts of our website is the most popular. This helps us improve the service by optimising the most used parts.
What is anonimised data?
This is data that does not contain any user information, whether in plain, encoded or encrypted form.

Legal obligation

We are required by law to implement specific user tracking.

You can find out more about what, how and why HMRC tracks here:
HMRC transaction monitoring

You may also want to checkout HMRC's privacy notice

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